"Unwavering Voices: US Protests Echo Declining Support for Israeli Actions" 

Pro-ceasefire activists got arrested in NYC for blocking the BNY Mellon building, accusing it of investing in weapons for the Israeli Defense Forces. Columbia and NYU students planned a sit-in at a bank funding NYU's Tel Aviv campus, citing Israeli apartheid concerns. More protests are expected in major US cities. San Francisco saw a bridge shutdown with 200 arrests, while 90 were injured in a DC protest. US public support for Israel is declining; a Reuters poll shows 68% believe Israel should call a ceasefire. Democrats and younger demographics find Israel's response too much, with Republicans mostly viewing it as "about right." Overall, more sympathize with Israelis than Palestinians.

"Unwavering Voices: US Protests Echo Declining Support for Israeli Actions"

Disclaimer:- This summary/news/update is based on publicly available news from various sources in the public domain.